Italian animated films production in the last 5 years have produced 10 films. In 2014, movie collections (GBO) in Italy had an amount of € 72.4 million with almost 12 million viewers (13% of total collections). Only 3% of the GBO has flowed into the intakes of local production. Producers and distributors often challenge the corporations when the local product probably need a more rational launching and distribution strategy. The Italian animation sector could therefore focus on innovative and creative entertainment-oriented products for young people and families. In particular, the valued ideas could leverage the uniqueness of the Italian context, by filtering those stories, artistic and cultural contents that make Italy known abroad, in an entertainment key. Animation products would also foster connections for the growth of the gaming and tourism sector in the country.
A recent survey conducted by the European Audiovisual Observatory shows that, at a global level, in 2014 the animation sector already had a value exceeding 200 billion dollars. The market of audiovisual entertainment in animation can be classified into 2 main macro-categories: film production (cinemas; TV; home entertainment) and production of television series (TV; online; video on demand). The major animation markets are confirmed as those of the United States, Canada, Japan, China, France, the United Kingdom and Germany.
The study carried out by Asseprim-Confcommercio and Cartoon Lombardia shows that since 2014 all the national channels have eliminated the animation programmes for target of 4-14 years. The weak points of this segment of animation are due to cultural and economic causes. Producers and distributors often challenge the corporation colossal when the local product probably would need a more rational launching and distribution strategy. In addiction there is also the size limit of the Italian market, the lack of public incentives and adequate structures for overseas deployment, insufficient professional opportunities in Italy. It therefore seems challenging to elaborate and implement innovative ideas and strategies so that Italian companies leave behind the role of marginal competitors comparing to foreign companies that so far receive and develop the majority of orders in the animation sector.
After a long period of immobility, the animation industry has been relaunched in recent years. To highlight the interest in the sector, should be noted the law approval on Cinema, Audiovisual and Entertainment regulation. According to the "I am culture - 2018" report of the Fondazione Symbola, this legislative measure recognizes the leading role of animation in the national and community audiovisual industry and allocates 8% of the resources related to automatic contributions, the same percentage addressed for fiction.
Moreover, Italian animation got out of the Italian borders, thanks to the interest for cinema, that brings to light animation skills for the production of visual effects for the fantasy and horror genre. It should also not be ignored that international brands and cultural institutions are increasingly turning their attention to "refined" animation to tell about museum spaces and disseminate the results of their research projects among the public. The rapid development of technologies, the increase in broadcasting hours on the new thematic channels and above all the use of the web are stimulating the demand for content and animation all over the world. TV stations and new formats require more and more animation products for teenagers and families, products that are also programmed in the so-called "peak time".
The Italian animation sector should develop innovative and creative entertainment-oriented products for young people and families. Innovative ideas could fit into market segments where the corporation of the animation corporation is not yet established. In particular, the products could leverage the uniqueness of the Italian context, by filtering those stories, artistic and cultural contents in an entertainment key that make Italy known abroad. Animation products would also foster connections for the growth of the gaming and tourism sector in the country.