Climate Protection Now!

Private households produce 30 % of Germany’s greenhouse gas emission. Yet, most of the people still rely on supranational climate protection agreements when it comes to tackling today’s climate challenges. Additionally, the technological advances create the impression that third parties will swiftly put that matter to rest. Green City believes that every one of us has to make daily decisions that are either in compliance with, or in contradiction to international objectives on climate control. Unfortunately, too many people lack the awareness or the motivation to become conscious residents who engage in climate friendly action. That is exactly why Green City e.V. and Impact Hub Munich are looking for solution providers with innovative ideas to encourage the broader public to proactively combat climate change and its impact.



Do you have an innovative approach to stimulate Munich’s citizens to carry forward climate objectives by personally taking conscious, environmentally friendly action on a daily basis?

Nowadays, private households lack the motivation and awareness to take action when it comes to sustainable and environmentally friendly living. Green City e.V. is therefore looking for innovative solutions to encourage the broader public to become proactive citizens who engage in daily, hands-on actions to combat climate change.

Even though there are publicly financed incentives for building refurbishments etc., all offerings need to resolute actors of change. The current state remains unsatisfactory and requires a variety of approaches. This is why we hope to receive attractive low-threshold solutions as innovative as to suit the modern urban lifestyle. Solutions may be of technical or entrepreneurial nature but close to the citizens’ daily lives in order to encourage them to take action in becoming conscious and environmentally friendly residents. We also welcome ideas concerning educational campaigns that help to make people aware of their personal, environmental footprint and their role in meeting the climate objectives.

THE Context

Located in the southeast of the country, the target community are the people of Munich city. Munich is the capital and biggest city of Germany’s largest county, Bavaria. Possible solutions, however, may spread throughout the German speaking countries, affecting roughly 100 million people. Because the challenge addresses private households, residents and estate-owners need to be addressed by the proposed solutions as they have been identified in a large-scale measure of personal climate harms. 


Green City’s organisational purpose and mission revolves around the aim to improve future and current living conditions in light of individuals and their natural surrounding environment by fighting for more sustainable transport, an innovative city design, lifelong environmental education, and a considerate dealing with energy in Munich. As a politically and financially independent non-profit organisation, Green City aims to reduce individual motor-driven traffic and the emission of airborne gases to make Munich a greener and more viable place to live. Therefore, Green City’s statute includes a complete reduction of harmful emissions, which is why we are a member of “Klima-Allianz”, ally to the citizens’ initiative for Munich’s coal-fired power plant shutdown, and consultant and communicative service for “Klimapakt Münchner Wirtschaft”.


The already existing efforts have created a large network of organisations working within the field, including local and nationwide schools with curricular environmental education (“Energieschule München”, “Carrotmob macht Schule”) and other players such as the spin-off company “Green City Energy”, which plays an important role in the sustainable development of renewables. A proposed solution will find a strong support within this network that is going to help implement and activate the innovation in Munich. Green City provides an experienced communications team able to work on a vast amount of formats and campaigns that will help to make the proposed solution visible in the local context. Because we have gained 27 years of experience as an association working with topics related to environmental protection, Green City will offer mentoring, knowledge sharing, and expertise on the issues concerning Munich city.